Few years back Archaeological Department of India found a thousand year old inscription at Pathiar (Lakhamandal Village ), a small village in District Kangra of Himachal Pradesh. The inscription is written by using total 23 symbols but so far the inscription is not deciphered by anyone.
Presently this site is under the care of Department of India and has a status of National importance under the “Ancient Monument and Archaeological Sites and Remain Act 1958”.
The inscription is written pictographically and has many similarities with the Harapan Inscriptions.
Harapan Symbols(2600 BCE)
Note – Symbol found in ancient Harapan inscription.
Clearly there are many similarities between symbols used in Pathiar inscription and Harapan inscription. Use of swastika clearly indicates the link between two sites.
Article Shared by : Pradeep Kumar,Kangra
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